Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Holidays in Finland - Helsinki (3rd - 6th August)

After 10 days spent in the middle of nowhere (we were in an island in the Saimaa region), and before going back to France, we stopped 3 days in Helsinki (of course!). Almost nothing has changed since 2005 (but it’s quite strange to see so many tourists! It seems to be very fashionable to go to Finland now…). Esplanadi, Porthania, Café Engel, the railway station: everything is just the same (well, some shops have changed of course).

With Olivier, we decided to have a light sightseeing program and to visit the places we both didn’t know: Korkeasaari (the zoo), Kiasma (the modern art museum), the open-air museum of Seurasaari, and even Suomenlinna (I realized I knew only a part of it!). It was funny to discover Helsinki with renewed eyes!

During those 3 days, we also met Juan (who generously welcomed us in his flat) and his girlfriend Pirjo, and also Minna, my dear Finnish friend (Olivier was glad to meet a friend of mine who is vegetarian: be careful, they’re everywhere! ;-)
Unfortunately I couldn’t meet Fernando (he probably didn’t receive my message).

And finally, Vantaa airport again (I think I know this place by heart :-D) and flight back to France with a group of French tourists coming back from India (I found it suspect that so many French people would have chosen Finland for their summer destination ;-).

Now, back to Bordeaux for at least 4 months of intensive work :-(


Anonymous said...

Bonjour à Juan !
Il n'a pas trop changé.
Où étiez vous sur la photo avec Minna ?

Céline said...

On était à Suomenlinna, une île forteresse près d'Helsinki qui est classée à l'UNESCO. Comme tu peux le constater, j'avais super froid! (et dire que certains finlandais se baignaient...les fous!)